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  1. Articles & Essays

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    In this model consciousness has both a fundamental aspect and an ... that from the point of view of evolution, quantum nonlocality is the basis from which self ... Self-reference, the Dimensionality and Scale of Quantum Mechanical Effects, ... Peter Marcer and Edgar Mitchell Abstract The quantum holographic model ... - En caché - Similares -
  2. Articles & Essays Nature

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    Thus, in the subtle realms of mind and consciousness studies, bias, ..... Marcer, P. J. & Schempp, W. "Model of the Neuron Working by Quantum Holography" ... - En caché -
  3. Mark Germine, The holographic principle of mind and the evolution ...

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    27 Jan 2009 ... Chaos Theory and the Evolution of Consciousness and Mind: A ... 111.5P. Marcer & E. Mitchell (2001). What is Consciousness? An Essay on the Relativistic Quantum Holographic Model of the Brain/Mind, Working by Phase Conjugate Adaptive Resonance. ... Quantum Mechanics in Philosophy of Physical Science ... - En caché -
  4. Philip van Loocke, The Physical Nature of Consciousness | PhilPapers

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    27 Jan 2009 ... Evolution of Consciousness in Philosophy of Cognitive Science ... 107.4P. Marcer & E. Mitchell (2001). What is Consciousness? An Essay on the Relativistic Quantum Holographic Model of the Brain/Mind, ... Consciousness and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics in Philosophy of Cognitive Science ... - En caché -
  5. Quantum computation and the conscious machine —the reason ...

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    A potentially testable model of the human brain as a conscious machine is proposed. ... happens when in the course of the evolution of brains, such brains become perfect .... quantum mechanical computation, in which consciousness becomes a manifest .... Correspondence and offprint requests to: Peter J. Marcer, ... - Similares -
    de PJ Marcer - 1992 - Artículos relacionados
  6. Why computers are never likely to be smarter than people

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    The truly remarkable thing about evolution is that it has, by cumulative trial and ... all the higher faculties of the brain, of mind, of consciousness, are still in .... quantum mechanics are not merely a mathematical subterfuge for calculation in ... Marcer, P. J. and G. Resconi (in press) A theory of universal ... - Similares -
    de PJ Marcer - 1989 - Artículos relacionados
  7. concsious and personal vs unconsious and impersonal | Pro and Con ...

    Click para marcar este mensaje como abusivo. ¿Qué se considera abuso? ... but I think I know that it is mechanical. whether it is personal or impersonal I can't say. ... Also, even in QM, the evolution of the wave function is deterministic. ... Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness por Bruce Rosenblum ... - En caché -
  8. booksontrial's 50 book reviews in 2009 | Club Read 2009 | LibraryThing

    Click para marcar este mensaje como abusivo. ¿Qué se considera abuso? .... Schrödinger, based on the principles of quantum mechanics and thermodynamics ..... Human beings are still just starting in the long evolution process of learning about nature, about ourselves, and becoming the “consciousness of the earth”. ... - En caché -
  9. MindPapers: 8.9b. Quantum Mechanisms of Consciousness

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    5 Mar 2009 ... Marcer, P. & Mitchell, E. (2001). What is consciousness? ..... A quantum-mechanical model of consciousness and the emgerence of 'I'. ... - En caché -
  10. MindPapers: 8.9. Consciousness and Physics

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    Marcer, P. & Mitchell, E. (2001). What is consciousness? An essay on the relativistic quantum holographic model of the brain/mind, working by phase ... - En caché -
  11. Consciousness as holographic quantised dimension mechanics

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    [7] Marcer, P. J. (2000) A quantum mechanical model of evolution and consciousness, ... - En caché -
  12. Consciousness-Holomatrix theory

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    These new approaches, together with my consciousness-holomatrix ...... meta- 28 P. J. Marcer, A quantum mechanical model of evolution and consciousness (an ... - En caché -
  13. Knowledge Thread 3 [Archive] - Page 2 - Community

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    Basic paper on Edgar Mitchell model of holographic consciousness: ... see Peter Marcer, “a quantum mechanical model of evolution and consciousness ... - En caché -
  14. Quantum Coherence and Conscious Experience

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    Marcer, P.J. (1995). "The need to define consciousness - a quantum mechanical model", Symposium, (P.J. Marcer and A.M. Fedorec, eds. ... - En caché - Similares -
  15. Quantum coherence and conscious experience

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    Marcer, P.J. (1995), “The need to define consciousness – a quantum mechanical model”, in Marcer,. P.J. and Fedorec, A.M. (Eds), Symposium, University of ... -
    de MW Ho - 1997 - Citado por 16 - Artículos relacionados - Las 9 versiones
  16. Emerald FullText Article : The decade of the brain - further thoughts

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    Discusses current theories linking consciousness and quantum mechanics, taking a sceptical ... about the computing capabilities of networks of model neurons, and most, ... It is, however, argued by Marcer (1992), both in the context of the .... the facility should be seen as a side-effect of more general evolution. ... - Similares -
    de AM Andrew - 1997 - Citado por 2 - Artículos relacionados
  17. Lost Symbol Science - Resources

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    “A Quantum Mechanical Model of Evolution and Consciousness.” Online abstract at ... - En caché -
  18. ABSTRACTS, Volume 21_3_97

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    An Informational Conception of Developing the Consciousness of the Child. Vladimir A. Fomichov Department of Discrete Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics ... ethology; evolution; functional decomposition; historical explanations; .... Model of the Neuron Working by Quantum Holography. Peter J. Marcer ... - En caché - Similares -
    de AP Zeleznikar - 1997 - Citado por 1 - Artículos relacionados
  19. Quantum Healing at Consciousness and Awareness #2

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    It is further postulated that from the point of view of evolution, ...... Marcer, P. J. & Schempp, W. "Model of the Neuron Working by Quantum Holography" ... - En caché -
  20. [PDF]

    Quantum mechanics and free will: counter−arguments

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    Classical physics is a deterministic model of the world. ... ψ, in the interval between two measurements, the evolution is deterministic. .... Wigner, von Neumann and many others have pointed out that consciousness is ..... Marcer P. J., 1992, "The Conscious Machine and the Quantum Revolution in Information ... - Similares -
    de M Lopez-Corredoira - 2002 - Citado por 1 - Artículos relacionados
  21. totse knowledge thread 7

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    A method of cancer diagnosis using samples of saliva based on quantum biology ... Peter Marcer, “a quantum mechanical model of evolution and consciousness... - En caché - Similares -
  22. Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation - EVOLUTION AS A UNIVERSAL ...

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    22 Sep 2009 ... Also in a "stationary model" space and matter are in dynamic equilibrium. .... The process is fundamentally related to the influence of quantum gravity on ... of the material universe as well as of life and human consciousness. ... Marcer P. (2003). The Origin of Matter and how 3+1 spacetime came to ... - En caché -
  23. [PDF]


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    Since quantum mechanics (QM) was formulated, many voices have claimed this ... Key Words: free will, quantum mechanics, neurology, determinism, evolution ... deterministic model of the world. We can talk .... have pointed out that consciousness is necessary ..... Marcer PJ. The Conscious Machine and the Quantum ... -
  24. Chaotic Logic: REFERENCES

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    "Three Models for the Description of Language," IRE Trans. Info. Theory 2, p. 113 ... Evolution and Consciousness, University of Toronto Press, Toronto ... "Spacetime Approach to Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics," Rev. Mod. Phys. .... A New Science of Life, Blond and Mercer, London. Shimony, A. (1986). In Quantum ... - En caché - Similares -
  25. Quantum Interaction 2007

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    P. Marcer and P. Rowlands (University of Liverpool, U.K.) ... Cultural Evolution Entails (Creativity Entails (Concept Combination Entails Quantum Structure)) ... Entertainment (e.g., the relationship between consciousness and the mental ... Quantum mechanics provides a predictive model for most physical effects ... - En caché - Similares -
  26. Videos musicales de The Moody Blues – Descubre música, videos ...

    ... Ayurveda, Channeling, Chi, Christ Consciousness, Consciousness Exploration, Conspiracies, ... Energy Work, Enlightenment, Esoteric, ESP, Evolution, Extraterrestrials, Feng Shui, Forests, ... Prana, Psychedelics, Psychology & Counseling, Qabalah, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics, ... Marcar como incorrecto ... - En caché -
  27. CASYS 09 - CALL FOR PAPERS Casys'09

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    A Statistical Framework for Noise Separation in Dynamic Models of Intracellular ... Systems Thinking: Ancient Maya's Evolution of Consciousness and Contemporary ... and Quantum Entanglement by Peter J. MARCER (France), Peter ROWLANDS (UK) .... GRAVITATION - New trends in theoretical physics, Quantum Mechanics, ... - En caché - Similares -
  28. CASYS 09 - 9th International Conference CASYS'09

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    3 Mar 2009 ... Concept Model on Topological Learning by Tadashi AE, Kazumasa KIOI (Japan) ... Systems Thinking: Ancient Maya's Evolution of Consciousness and ... On Delayed and Anticipatory Systems in Applied Mechanics by Peter B. BEDA (Hungary) ... of Thermodynamics and Quantum Entanglement by Peter J. MARCER ... - En caché -
  29. 911:Consciousness - Wikicompany

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    Pim van Lommel's "non-local Quantum-mechanical" views: About the non-local space and consciousness: "...the non-local space is more then a mathematical ... - En caché -
  30. program

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    1 Aug 2009 ... A Non-Linear Stochastic Model for Higher Nervous Activity Based on .... Systems Thinking: Ancient Maya's Evolution of Consciousness and Contemporary Systems Thinking .... Daniel M. Dubois (Belgium), Peter J. Marcer, Peter Rowlands (UK) ... Is Special Relativity Logically Prior to Quantum Mechanics? ... - En caché - Similares -
  31. casys2009

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    New trends in theoretical physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity and ... Special Session on Science of Consciousness, Organised by Gilles Nibart ... What is life, model of development, DNA, theories of evolution, ... Organised by Dr Peter Marcer, The British Computer Society Cybernetic Machine specialist Group ... - En caché - Similares -
  32. Doug Renselle's 2002 review of Sylvia Nasar's bio- biblio ...

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    (Note that P. J. Marcer, BSc, DPhil, FBCS agrees (at least partially) with us in his A Quantum Mechanical Model of Evolution and Consciousness . ... - En caché - Similares -
  33. Organism and Psyche in a Participatory Universe

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    The Impact of the Human Agent on Evolution, Essays in Honour of Ervin Laszlo (D. Loye, ed.), pp. ...... Marcer suggests that the brain stores experienced holographic .... "The need to define consciousness - a quantum mechanical model", ... - En caché -
  34. Life and intelligence in the universe from nanobiological ...

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    Marcer, P. J. The neuron: a computational model utilizing quantum ... E. Wallich, Is nano-mental engineering coherent with a quantum mechanics approach? ... -
    de S Santoli - 2000 - Citado por 1 - Artículos relacionados
  35. CASYS

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    Entanglement is the resource of the invisible purely quantum mechanical .... that the Human Brain/Mind/Consciousness (BMC) complex [Marcer,Mitchell 2000] is ... - En caché -
  36. Quantrek's Scientific Team

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    A nilpotent version of relativistic quantum mechanics, with significant applications .... 1992 An outline model of cosmological evolution co-author D. Dubois, 13th Intern. ... 2000 What is Consciousness? Edgar Mitchell and Peter Marcer, ... - En caché - Similares -
  37. Nature's mind: The quantum hologram

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    It is further postulated that from the point of view of evolution, ... 1 Introduction A host of observed, but very basic human phenomena, including consciousness itself, ... based upon a new understanding of quantum mechanics. .... The brain is clearly a quantum computer (Schempp & Marcer,1996) which utilizes both ... - En caché - Similares -
  38. A State of the Art Report on the Physical Foundations of Quantum ...

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    The leading question is therefore "Can quantum mechanics explain why the .... Marcer P. and Schempp W. 1998, The Model of the Prokaryote Cell as an ... - En caché -
  39. Chairman's Report on ANPA 2004 | BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT

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    l) quantum mechanics is ultimately a unique global thermodynamic irreversible .... 6c Marcer P. and Schempp W. 1998 The Model of the Prokayote Cell as an ... - En caché -
  40. [PDF]

    On the End of a Quantum Mechanical Romance

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    Neumann chain that the philosophers' quantum mechanical romance begins. Some suggest that we take consciousness as more than just the terminus of this chain ... -
    de GR Mulhauser - 1995 - Citado por 8 - Artículos relacionados
  41. [PDF]

    Quantum Model of Paranormal Phenomena Contents

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    tures of Peter Marcer about quantum holographic brain provided an impor- ...... would mirror the evolution of consciousness from concrete biological life ...... they are comparable to mechanical records: genuine subjective memories are ... -
  42. On the End of a Quantum Mechanical Romance

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    from PSYCHE: an interdisciplinary journal of research on consciousness .... Since quantum mechanics predicts deterministic unitary evolution for isolated ... - En caché -
  43. How Intelligence Evolved?

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    evolution; and where in the foundation of any natural ... face recognition software based on quantum mechanical phase models, i.e. 'phase gates', has been realized on .... Marcer, P. and Mitchell, E. 2001. What is consciousness? ... - Similares -
    de P Marcer - Citado por 1 - Artículos relacionados - Las 5 versiones
  44. Quantum Interaction

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    How Intelligence Evolved? / 46. Peter Marcer and Peter Rowlands ... Quantum-like Contextual Model of Processing of Information in Brain / 83 ... Cultural Evolution Entails (Creativity Entails (Concept Combination Entails ... A Survey of Possible Uses of Quantum Mechanical Concepts in Financial Economics / 164 ... - Similares -
  45. From Helix To Hologram - An Ode on the Human Genome

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    But what was the role in the evolution of life for this “salt of the earth”? .... Consciousness and matter share the same essence, differing by degrees of subtlety ..... It facilitates the quantum mechanical signal processes of both the ... Marcer, P. and Schempp, W. (1997a), “The Model of the Prokaryote Cell as an ... - Similares -
  46. Psigenics Corporation

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    Paper presented at Toward a Science of Consciousness, Tucson IV ... Can a quantum mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete? .... Marcer P.J. & Schempp W., 1997. Model of the neuron working by quantum ... Quantum evolution: How physics' weirdest theory explains life's biggest mystery, ... - En caché - Similares -
  47. TGD Intro

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    13 Jul 2007 ... The basic notions of TGD inspired theory of consciousness are quantum ... Time evolution by quantum jumps, subjective time development, ..... Marcer] in terms of pairs of orthogonal ME-magnetic flux pairs ... Quantum model for EEG and nerve pulse was one of the first applications of quantum TGD. ... - En caché - Similares -
  48. The development of quantum theory in the early twenti-

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    consciousness and material realities. For if these other models are true, holism will come to have an even more ... to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts ..... logic form is prefigured in a quantum biohologram (Marcer. CURTIS AND HURTAK ..... computer is the next chapter of the human evolution un- ... - Similares -
    de BD Curtis - 2004 - Citado por 13 - Artículos relacionados - Las 3 versiones
  49. From Helix to Hologram - Articles

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    But what was the role in the evolution of life for this "salt of the earth"? .... Consciousness and matter share the same essence, differing by degrees of subtlety ..... It facilitates the quantum mechanical signal processes of both the ... Marcer, P. and Schempp, W. (1997a), "The Model of the Prokaryote Cell as an ... - En caché - Similares -
  50. Dean Radin - Entangled Minds Bibliography

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    Can a quantum mechanical description of physical reality be considered ..... Marcer P.J. & Schempp W. (1997). Model of the neuron working by quantum ... - En caché -
  51. DNA Hologram

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    DNA is not the driver of evolution but even more fundamental quantum mechanical ..... The genome has a capacity for quasi-consciousness so that DNA “words” produce ... It facilitates the quantum mechanical signal processes of both the ... Marcer, P. and Schempp, W. (1997a), The Model of the Prokaryote Cell as an ... - En caché -
  52. [PDF]

    CASYS'09 Program Timetable, August 3-8, 2009

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    Systems Thinking: Ancient Maya's Evolution of Consciousness and Contemporary ... A Comparison of Three Approaches to Model Human Behavior, Joel Palmius, Thomas. Persson Slumpi (Sweden) .... Entanglement, Peter J. Marcer (France), Peter Rowlands (UK) ... Is Special Relativity Logically Prior to Quantum Mechanics? ... -
  53. [PDF]

    The Psychophysiology of Entrepreneurial Intuition: A Quantum ...

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    the case of quantum mechanical wave fields, and super-acoustical, ..... Marcer, P., & W. Schempp (1997), Model of the neuron working by quantum holography, ... -
    de RT Bradley - 2006 - Citado por 6 - Artículos relacionados
  54. [PDF]

    Helix to Hologram

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    Consciousness and matter share the same essence, differing by degrees of subtlety or density. ..... It facilitates the quantum mechanical signal processes of both the copying of the DNA as its ... Marcer, P. and Schempp, W. (1997a), "The Model of the ... from the RNA world", Journal of Molecular Evolution 46(1). ... - Similares -
    de I Miller - Artículos relacionados - Las 9 versiones
  55. Quantum Computation, Entanglement and State Reduction [and Discussion]

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    the standard quantum-mechanical procedures of unitary evolution, entanglements ..... microtubules: a model for consciousness. ... P. MARCER (BCS Cybernetic Machine Group, Keynsham, UK). During telepor- ... -
    de R Penrose - 1998 - Citado por 62 - Artículos relacionados
  56. Quantum Biology

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    Anesthesia and the Quantum Mechanics of Consciousness ... An environmentally coupled hydrogen-tunneling model is presented that derives from the treatments of Kuznetsov ... Peter J. Marcer, George G. Tertishny, Katherine A. Leonova, Uwe Kaempf) ... Evolution on the edge of Quantum: Mycoplasma as the Smallest Clock ... - En caché - Similares -
  57. Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science

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    The quantum perspective of evolution makes it possible to conclude that the .... consciousness • dualism • free choice • mind-brain • quantum mechanics .... 65 Mercer Street, Princeton, NJ 08542-0803; e-mail wentzel.vanhuyssteen @ ... At its best, the emergence debate provides a helpful model of what ... - En caché -
  58. Book Abbreviations

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    [CKC2] Chronos, Kairos, Christos II, E. Jerry Vardaman (ed), Mercer UPress: 1998. ... [CS:APFC] A Place for Consciousness: Probing the Deep Structure of the Natural World. ... [CS:MMQM] Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics, Henry P. Stapp, ... [CS:SS] The Symbolic Species: The Co-Evolution of language and the brain ... - En caché - Similares -
  59. Moy03

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    Moy03. Return to Mercer Street 2003 Table of Contents ... When evolution grafted consciousness in human form upon [the vertebrate brain] in a single species, .... Gould, and Bohr and the rest of the pioneers of quantum mechanics. ... - En caché -
  60. Quantum Bioholography, a review of the field from 1973-2002

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    This quantum evolution is orchestrated by the information transduction of DNA. ... of quantum mechanical and chaotic dynamics in human consciousness. ...... Marcer, P. and Schempp, W. (1997a), The Model of the Prokaryote Cell as an ... - En caché - Similares -
  61. CASYS2001

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    On the Quantum Unit of Evolution George Farre (USA), Vice-President of CASYS'01 .... Minding Mathematics - Equating Equations to Changes of Consciousness Otto van ... Submicroscopic Deterministic Quantum Mechanics Volodymyr Krasnoholovets ..... Mechanical Effects, Critical Phenomena and Qualia Peter J. Marcer ... - En caché -
  62. Association for Process Psychology

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    “The Stream Revisited: A Process Model of Phenomenological Consciousness. ....Evolution, Survival and the Imaginal Life: A Postmodern Perspective.” August 1990 (Unpublished ..... Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1984. Padfield, Suzanne. ...Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics: The Connection and Analogies. ... - En caché - Similares -
  63. Zeteticismo: enero 2009

    ... natural para marcar su relación con la facultad de selección del hombre. ...... Henry Stapp y su libro Mindful Universe: Quantum Mechanics and the ... "Quantum theory in neuroscience and psychology: a neurophysical model of ..... Steve McIntosh: Evolution of Consciousness · Ken Wilber - Espiritualidad y las 3 ... - En caché -
  64. [PDF]


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    kind of true because consciousness came into being because of the rule, .... using a computer model of molecular dynamics, that plasma particles can undergo ... Genetic code only half the story - DNA is a quantum mechanical biowave ... Alexander M. Iarochenko, Peter J. Marcer, George G. Tertishny, Katherine ... - Similares -
  65. Alchemical Homeopathy

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    13 Aug 2002 ... Implicit in this quantum mechanical picture is that all ...... which following a billion or more years of evolution, in DNA could be expected to be the case .... Marcer P and Schempp W., 1997a, The Model of the Prokaryote cell ..... But the higher developed an individual's consciousness is, the less ... - En caché - Similares -
  66. The Radionic Principle: Mind over Matter

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    evolution' to be 'a cumbrous and unwelcome humbug' in the Drown system, .... However, the model has proved useful over many years in ..... Benford M. S., Moscow P., Mitchell E., and Marcer P. (200 ) QuantaGraphy: images from the quantum hologram. ... Clarke C. (2004) Quantum mechanics, consciousness and the self. ... - Similares -
    de T Scofield - Artículos relacionados - Las 3 versiones
  67. [PDF]

    The Development of the Mediated Mind

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    200 Mercer Street. New York NY 10012 Melissa M. Burch ... of human cognition, which defies reduction to a static model. ..... tivity) compatible with the theory of the very small (quantum mechanics), so psy- .... A mind so rare: The evolution of human consciousness. New York: Norton. ... -
    de JM Lucariello - Citado por 1 - Artículos relacionados - Las 2 versiones
  68. Bioholography

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    But what was the role in the evolution of life for this “salt of the earth”? .... Consciousness and matter share the same essence, differing by degrees of subtlety ..... It facilitates the quantum mechanical signal processes of both the ... Marcer, P. and Schempp, W. (1997a), The Model of the Prokaryote Cell as an ... - En caché - Similares -
  69. Alice Bailey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    In Bailey's writings, evolution is defined as the process of bringing the "lower .... but the evolution of consciousness that transcends these labels. ..... (Interestingly Tansley attributed the source of his model to Alice Bailey's ..... The Future of New Religious Movements, Mercer University Press, 1987, ... - En caché - Similares -
  70. The End of Materialism by Graham Duncan Martin

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    The existence of something called consciousness is a venerable .... First of all Humphrey uses the word 'sensation' to mean 'a delicate, but mechanical and unconscious reaction. ... Charon, John R. Smythies, Ervin Laszlo and Peter Marcer). ... is to adopt the Many Worlds interpretation of Quantum Physics. ... - En caché - Similares -
  71. Journal of Human Values

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    plement Maslow's model. Evolution and Motivation: The Indian Paradigm. According to Indian thought, ... research work in fluid mechanics and semicon- .... and CEO of Mercer Human Resource Consulting .... If businesses can do this, it will give a quantum .... mind into the spiritual consciousness is so difficult. ... - Similares -
    de MS Srinivasan - 2008 - Citado por 1 - Artículos relacionados
  72. iShift, issue #26 (September 2008)

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    Mercer Island and Kenmore, Washington Enhance the quality of your life through ... Learning more about the terrain of consciousness transformation at this special workshop. .... Mendocino County, California), Nate discusses evolution, addiction, .... Quantum mechanics is the girl you meet at the poetry reading. ... - En caché -
  73. The Fiber Disease - Biology-Online

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    As indeed are the quantum holographic models of the brain as a conscious system, and of the prokaryote cell [Marcer, Schempp 1996, 1997a]. ... - En caché -
  74. Dr. Pjotr GARAJAJEV & Vladimir POPONIN -- DNA BioComputer ...

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    But the higher developed an individual´s consciousness is, the less need is .... Genetic code only half the story - DNA is a quantum mechanical biowave computer ...... Marcer P., Schempp W. 1997, Model of the Neuron working by Quantum ... Rice S.A. 1992, New Ideas for Guiding the Evolution of a Quantum System, ... - En caché - Similares -
  75. Layout 1 (Page 1)

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    1995 show, ''Working Model,'' which centered on a color-coded chart that proposed a virtually ... human consciousness. In ''The Gamblers,'' the ... studio in the Mercer Street building where his ... ed to the evolution of early scientific practices ... Quantum mechanics is difficult, but it's also real. ... -
  76. Our Universe is alive because we are alive? - Yahoo! Answers

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    2 Oct 2008 ... Mercer. Member since: September 09, 2008 ... that splits off of this one--the many world's interpretation of quantum mechanics. ... In that sense we are still stardust, consciousness, freedom, ... the universe exits not because of human race. the universe was there before evolution of the human ... - En caché - Similares -
  77. Edge 190

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    17 Aug 2006 ... The study of evolution has practical benefits: It is the basis for breeding .... Einstein by that time had persuaded me that quantum mechanics is incomplete and ... (forthcoming in English: Quantum Teleportation). A Walk Down Mercer Street ... The gyrocompass became for Einstein a model of the atom. ... - En caché - Similares -
  78. Russian DNA Discoveries Explain Human 'Paranormal' Events by Romik ...

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    6 Jul 2009 ... But the higher developed an individual's consciousness is, the less need is there .... 1. that the evolution of biosystems has created genetic “texts”, ... to create and understand this quantum mechanical DNA-wave biocomputer. .... M. Jessel, P.Marcer and G. Resconi, International Journal of General ... - En caché -
  79. [PDF]

    ACLA 95 Program Overview

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    "Osten Sjöstrand and the Poetry of Quantum Mechanics." ... "John Locke's Model Man: The Educational Uses of 17th-Century. Medicine." Rebecca Bushnell, University of ... "A Worldly Mind: Consciousness and the Critique of Representation." ... "Scientific-Literary Representation and the Evolution of a Subgenre in ... -
  80. Alice Bailey: Information from

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    Bailey wrote that behind all human evolution stands a brotherhood of enlightened souls .... but the evolution of consciousness that transcends these labels. ..... (Interestingly Tansley attributed the source of his model to Alice Bailey's ..... The Future of New Religious Movements, Mercer University Press, 1987, ... - En caché - Similares -
  81. Reviews: November 1984

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    Early in his essay, Schuyler refers to The Mechanical God as "a general-interest work. ... entropy, black holes, quantum paradoxes, the nature of human consciousness as well .... Mercer Island, WA: Starmont House, 1983. xiii + 79pp. $6.95 paper. For readers and scholars interested in following the evolution of SF ... - En caché -
  82. PHIL/REL 360: Science and Religion

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    What data supports evolution? What data raises problems for evolution? ... Models and Paradigms: What Is the "Received View" in Philosophy of Science and Why Does Thomas ... Discussion: How did quantum theory change the paradigm of physics? ... cognitive, and emotional life, as well as consciousness in general? ... - En caché -
  83. DNA-WAVE 7/5 Braid Language in S.American - Hypercube | TDG ...

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    model of DNA produced by Marcer and Schempp [1996]. This explains the ... efficient, which following a billion or more years of evolution, in .... an admitter/absorber quantum vacuum model of quantum mechanics in .... has a capacity for quasi-consciousness so that DNA “words” produce and help in the recognition of ... - En caché - Similares -
  84. [PDF]


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    Dixon, P.W., Ahern, E.H., Baker, S., Gordon, B.l., Hildemann, W. H., Mercer, E. H., ... A preliminary note on an integration of quantum mechanics with a theory of ... Dixon, P. W. (2005) The evolution of human language and the genetic ... of this later work has been to model the ongoing processes of consciousness ... - Similares -

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    From Situated Action to Noetical Consciousness: the Role of Anticipation Olivier .... Darwin versus Lamarck in Algorithmic Models of Evolution Marcel Ausloos, Nicolas Vandewalle .... a Quantum Mechanical Explanation Peter J. Marcer (United Kingdom), ...... The Space Structure, Force Fields and Quantum Mechanics . ... - En caché -
  86. Of Non-Horses, Quantum Mechanics, and the Establishment Clause ...

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    solipsist, convinced that his consciousness alone exists: how is one to convince that .... context of a state statute prohibiting the teaching of evolution, ..... of quantum mechanics, its formulation in a series of mathematical models that have proved ..... Mercer County, 432 F. 3d 624, 631 (6 th. Cir., 2005). ... - Similares -
    de JM Bickers - 2008
  87. [PDF]

    International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group <a ...

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    Plasticity in Evolving Digital Organisms , Learning Evolution and the Nature of Science using. Evolutionary Computing and Artificial Life , Models, Simulations, ... the IUHPS/DHST represents in some ways ICSU's historical consciousness, .... Mike Smith, Medicine, Mercer University: contemporary science education ... -
  88. Official Groovesalad Home Page

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    The question of the brain's ability, as a massively parallel quantum processor, to decode this information is addressed by Marcer and Schempp in "Model of ... - En caché -
  89. 2009-09-30T15:51:53Z ...

    Tegmark (2000) showed that make-or-break issue for the quantum models of mind is .... We show that the simplest nonrelativistic evolution equation of such ..... Peter Marcer matter, space-time, living systems Stability/instability as the ...... Consciousness, Cognitive Science, and Quantum Mechanics Jon R. Courtney ... - En caché - Similares -
  90. Plectics, Groups, Autopoiesis, Logoi, Topoi, Biosemiosis, Orders ...

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    9 Oct 2009 ... In this volume, Chaitin discusses the evolution of these ideas, tracing them ..... Quantum Brain, Quantum Mind, & Quantum Consciousness: ... Physics - Peter Marcer: "in computer science, a physical theory - the quantum ...... and related to the familiar wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics. ... - En caché -
  91. [DOC]


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    That is to say, consciousness and the subjective experience. ..... Marcer, P.J. & Schempp, W. "Model of the Neuron Working by Quantum Holography" ... -
    de E Mitchell - Citado por 10 - Artículos relacionados
  92. [PDF]

    Sept 2009 Philosophy Booklist.qxp

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    Consciousness (2005). Carruthers. The Architecture of the Mind (2006). Carruthers et al ... The Evolution of the Soul (1997). Wright et al (eds) Knowing Our Own Minds (2000) .... Quantum Mechanics (1991). French & Krause. Identity in Physics (2006) .... Mercer &. O'Neill (eds). Early Modern Philosophy (2005) ... - Similares -
  93. [PDF]


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    Consciousness: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates,. S.R.Hameroff, A.W.Kaszniak, ...... and Trend of the Cosmic Process, J.E.Mercer, (Macmillan, NY: 1917). (Merrell,91) .... "Intrinsic Adaptation in a Simple Model for Evolution", ... (Pattee,71). "Can life explain quantum mechanics ?", H.H.Pattee, in Quantum ... -
    de RJ Adaptation - 1991
  94. The Cybernetics Society

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    The roots of Cybernetics and its evolution from the 6th Century BC by ..... Richard Gauthier presented his transluminal energy quantum model of the electron. ...... Fractals and the Quantum Mechanical Organisation of the Human Genome" ..... Peter Marcer announces "Nilpotence" is the BCS CMSG objective for debate in ... - En caché - Similares -
  95. Total Astral Projection

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    Some tools can be an aid to higher levels of well-being, consciousness and meditation. ... Brian Mercer's methods for personal success, and valuable feedback from ..... everywhere for the next major leap in the evolution of consciousness. ..... the role of consciousness in quantum mechanics (and conversely the role ... - En caché - Similares -
  96. The Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness - Cambridge University Press

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    quantum mechanical model of, 885. sensorimotor representations and, 339 ...... Evolution and Human Behavior (Cartwright, J.), 609. evolutionary psychology ... - En caché -
  97. What The Bleep Articles - Page 1 -

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    By: Joseph Rettig | - Quantum Mechanics, generally called Quantum Physics, ... By: Harun Yahya | - The quantum model of universe is an attempt to purge the Big ... personal growth has been in the forefront of Consciousness in the Human race. .... By: Jon Mercer | - The Law of Attraction is a powerful philosophy to ... - En caché -
  98. Planet Semantico » Yahoo

    Google sorprendió con su torpeza presentando un vocabulario para marcar semánticamente .... The Next Evolution of the Bookmark — Beyond ... - En caché -
  99. kelvin

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    ... and obey a Boltzmann distribution (or its quantum mechanical counterpart). ... The members are Kelvin Mercer (Posdnuos, Mercenary, Plug Wonder Why, ... Today it is defined as the temperature at which all (classical mechanical) motion of ... Commonly used viscoelastic models are the Kelvin material and Maxwell ... - En caché -
  100. DNA MONTHLY October 2005

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    It facilitates the quantum mechanical signal processes of both the copying of DNA as ..... "Embodying Light: The Evolution of Consciousness" & so much more! ... - En caché -

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